Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Dark Night

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
It's the shout for help
The whisper to hold on just a little bit longer
For dawn is just around the corner

The soul must make it through it's darkest night
The brave must face their deepest fears
For but not from the depths of despair
Do we find our greatest strength
And the courage to go through the full length

What is the point of this much pain?
Of turmoil and testing, of horror and shame
The metal must burn to find it's true mettle
It's not forever, it's a matter of when
For the sun simply must rise again 

In You I Have Found...

This poem was written on Guru Purnima and while I truly thank all my gurus, this one is dedicated to Rukhs, my reiki teacher. With love.

In You I have found....

.. My direction
For I was going  no where
And you showed me a way
You still hold my hand
And help me to stay
On a Path of love
Of grace and of joy
On a road less travelled
And you tell me why

... Myself
For I didn't know who I was
When I first came to you
Lost and confused
Unable to think too
You taught me to love myself
You showed me how
You told me I could grow wings and fly
You still make me push and plough

... My faith
For I didn't have anything to believe in
At best I was agnostic
In only a few moments of your touch
The world became fantastic
Surrounded by divinity in your presence
I found myself in touch with god
You may only be the bamboo if you insist
You're actually His lightning rod

... My teacher
For I was looking for a guru
Not just for a healing or for Bach
In you I found so much more
While only doing reiki for a lark
An ocean  of compassion and patience
For questions, tears, tales and talk
A guide, a friend, a teacher, a mentor,
An example of love above it all

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Proof of a God

Someone put this up today. And stirred a fire in my belly. I reacted with words that offered no console, and no proof. I undid all my reactions and then thought of the struggle that our personalities go through - a struggle of faith - and we then label this personality as atheist,  agnostic, non-believer and worse of all, scientist. 

Let's work with atheist. If you ask science or religion or anyone else for proof of the existence of a God then know that you can't be atheist. Your at best agnostic for lack of a better word. Unfortunately, and much to your despair, by the mere fact that you question and ask, you leave place for doubt. And that's shifts your belief completely, creating the space for a chance that you may find your answer. 

Unfortunately, those that believe that science or religion will provide that answer will be left empty handed. Science can only work with what the physical senses can acknowledge and further to that, with machines that can capture the intricacies of what we cannot perceive with the outwardly senses. And that's why we know what protons and neutrons are, and how the amoeba and our DNA are structured. 

Science cannot prove the existence of love. Yet, conditional or unconditional, we all feel love. If not for our partners, for our pets and children. Respect, separate from love. And each of these emotions are all real cause we feel them. Inside of ourselves. Within our souls, maybe? ;)

Religion on the other hand has banned science from the exploration of all things esoteric. The mystical ways of the world are matters of the church and not of science. Historically, we know that religion has been used by most clergy, whether the church or the Brahmin caste, to control masses, to create fear, and in that to create the greatest gap between people and their individual relationship with God. Leading people to believe that somehow only through realised beings such as the clergy themselves, can God speak and connect. Therefore should and can religion be trusted with the burden of proof? 

An agnostic has hope. He awaits that somehow religion or science or whoever it might be will come up with an answer to this existential question: is there a God? And how can we prove that? 

Before Newton discovered Gravity, there was gravity. It existed every day, and every moment. Yet only when he actually investigated it, and looked for the many ways that it influenced life, did he put a name and number to it. That's science.The forces of nature, the forces of life, all continue to exist and evolve whether science understands or accepts them. Science is an aftermath. 

Let your journey to find God be the same. The burden of proof lies with you and not with science or religion. Whether you look for a form outside of yourself or find the Divinity within, or just look at the magic around you in each moment, with each breath you take, when you feel love, hope, or the lack of it, ask God to show you. When you leave the proof of burden on God, and wait for your very own miracle, it'll happen. Another great scientist said, "Coincidences are Gods way of remaining anonymous." 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

What the flowers taught me

One Sunday morning while walking the street
I bought myself a few petals and leaves
Gorgeous sun struck flowers in full bloom
Pretty pink and purple and yellow
Repotted, decorated, watered and pruned
Placed them nicely along the sides of my room

A few days went by and the the bloom withered
I hovered constantly to look for the new
Making sure they're more flowers waiting to blossom
And it's not my home from which they withdrew
And they bloomed, but not as I hoped
And sure enough with wither I barely coped

Why would they not be glorious and flourish
What it that they needed more
To line my room with their beauty
Almost as if it were they're duty
Why would they blacken and die
Wrinkle, crinkle, fallen they lie...

Just watching them live their natural cycle
Teaches you how ephemeral life really is
And that it's forever if you really believe
It's not for death that you need to grieve
I watched them come and go each day
I couldn't make them forever stay

Trust in the cycles of the universe
For this was exactly the way it was meant to be
Timed perfect, according to plan
When the sun rose, when the day began
I could want more flowers, but they didn't come
Until they were ready, pink and purple ones

Bloom each day as if it were your last
Bring joy and happiness to each one you meet
You don't need words to shine your grace
It shows on each petal, each flower, each face
Look for the color amidst the twinnings
There in lies your silver lining!

The Five Life Essentials to Live By

To live each day to its fullest
To take life by it's horns 
To sleep each night with a content heart 
After a day of work has gone 
With peace as if it were the very end 
And knowing tomorrow it starts again... 

When you think about living each day of your life to the very fullest, look out for a way to imbibe these five essential factors into your life. 

1. Physical health 
One can't ever stress enough on how important it is to be physically healthy, fit and strong. Not only to look good, to feel attractive, to love yourself, but this body was given to you with the purpose of staying with you through this lifetime. Catering to it's true nature and needs is one of the core responsibilities and the least we owe ourselves. None of the other parts of your life - people, work, money - will matter of you don't love, nourish and care for your physical self. 

2. Mental and emotional health 
Can't stress on this enough! With more than enough proof that physical health depends on the state of emotions, taking care of this aspect of our personalities becomes a priority. Not just the new age management of stress, but a constant dose of care for the emotional well being - with lots of self love, loving and harmonious relationships, the presence of peace and joy in all aspects of life. You can't avoid conflict, but you can spend this lifetime learning to deal with conflict with the greatest possible wisdom. 
Your mental well being and stimulation keeps you young and alive. Explore, question and retain that child like curiosity you were born with. Make clear decisions and stick with them. Play, engage, create. Balance the two sides of your brain - create and hone your intuition, while keeping logic and reasoning alive. 

3. A purpose 
Without a single minded purpose, you can spend your life walking aimlessly through a fog. This doesn't mean that you will know what you were meant to do the day you were born. A sense of purpose gives you the will to live, and something to wake up for every morning. 
This doesn't mean that if you don't know your purpose, your life is wasted! It simply means that at this point finding the purpose of your life is your everyday purpose. 
You were not created to wake up, sleep and die. You were created to be awesome. You were created to make a difference. Look out for what this purpose is. And follow it through. Learn what life has to teach you while you go about living each day true to your purpose. 

4. Faith 
This is the hardest one to explain. But whether you choose for it to be in God, Source, Light or the Universe, you know that there is a bigger plan at play. Trust implicitly in this plan. Surrender all the requirements of your ego, the need for the outcome of your life to be a certain way. Have faith not only in this source of universal love, but also in yourself, knowing that you live every day of your life fully to the best possible way you know and that you are being taken care of. Even on your bad days. Especially on your bad days. 

5. Love
It seems to make sense that if you followed through with the first four points, love would naturally be part of your life. But this is not the kind of love that you feel for yourself and that makes you care and nourish your body and mind. It's not the love that you feel for friends and family, or for your pets. 
This is the love we come here to learn, that makes us disintegrate all our differences and know that at the beginning and the end of it all we are but one. It's filled with compassion. It's layered with wisdom. It's the love that stays forever, unaffected and unmoved by life itself. Learn to imbibe this love into everything you do and share it with everyone you meet. It's your way to spread light. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Life, and life

If only life were that simple
And I didn't have to endure
My lessons, my karma,
If only I was sure
That this round of working
On myself and my issues
Would peel the layers one last time
Finishing up my last box of tissues
Feeling the pain and healing the core
Would ease it all away
Ah so naive my thought was
So easily I could sway

It never ends, does it
It's not really like an onion peel
It's a spiral that holds u in the center
With each turn, another one u see
It's a lifelong worths of lessons to be learnt
A lifetimes worth of self polishing
And when this round is done and you think it's over
All you're doing is waiting
For another opportunity to come one more time
To be born, to live, to die, to create another rhyme.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Big Words

Big words that aren't so simple to follow
Especially when the insides feel hollow

Surrender they say, u must do
Ok, I said, but to who?
I don't know yet of a god looking out for me
Clearly my life isn't an example of grace, u see
I'm stuck in a rut
I'm fearful in my gut
How do I survive if I have to let go
It would only but cause my anxiety to grow

Forgive, they say, for your heart is blocked
It's the only way to unfold love that's locked
But my life is mess
Only filled with stress
I'm angry at them all
I'm trying to build a wall
So I can't be wronged no more
By family and friends galore
They're seemingly all doing fine
I'm stuck with doing all the cryin'

Gratitude, they say, is an absolute must
Without it, a part of you will rust
But what can I be thankful for
I've only seen pain and been hurt before
My life has been such a no ball
Everyone else I know has it all
When I compare all I see
How it should have turned out for me
How it hasn't and that makes me resent
No thanks do I have left to present

When you ask you will receive
Big words maybe, rather simple to conceive

You don't control, so why try
Let gods hand allow your wings to fly
Limitless possibilities exist beyond your knowing
By holding on, it's only yourself you're slowing
When you surrender, trust and flow
Allow your free will to just let go
An amazing life begins to unfold
You wanted the rainbow, you get a pot of gold!

But if your heart is filled with resentment and hate
How will happiness and joy pile up on your plate
Release shame and guilt and all the blame
They're choices you made, accept the claim
Forgiveness clears the karmic path of debris
Forgive completely to set yourself free!

Thank everyone that came along your way
For lessons you learnt that make you, you today
For joy and laughter, pain and sorrow
More gratitude today brings more grace tomorrow
Thank each experience that you went through
It helped to create a new version of you
Thank god for love from family and friends
With each heart, a prayer he sends

Not so hard do the words seem anymore
Accept, understand, thank and let go!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I don't want to deal with my past
It forever seems to last
Unforgiving and torturous
Bringing out memories I want to run from
People I want to hide from
So they don't see me and I don't have to deal
With the realities of who I was
But this is who I've come to be
Stronger, smarter, and understanding of me
Still there lies this underlying fear
That I don't really want to see
The who I was before I became me

There's a deep sense of discomfort
And a fear if the cycle were to repeat
The shame, guilt, hurt and anger
Would once again take the drivers seat
What if the car drove off the smooth highway
Back into the by lanes of despair
Coming face to face with the shadows of darkness
With memories of yesterday
Mirrors to show you your weaknesses
Forever waiting to bring you down
Cause they don't know you along this journey
They haven't seen you move along

They believe that you're still the same
For that's all the naked eye can see
The same body, hair, voice and sound
The same reflection of what they knew to be
It takes one moment of their chatter
To shatter your newly built up walls
That keep away the patterns of pain
That keep out the Criticism,  the judgement, the gossip and all
What's the point of revisiting 'old times'?
What's the point of 'for memories sake'?
When people don't grow with you forward
When they hold you back instead of let you leap

Its time to say good bye for now
Until we meet at a new curve
Where there is no expectation or assumption
Where relationships start from scratch over
And maybe we won't cross paths again
That too would serve us right
For our times together have come to an end
Maybe that's all our pact was for
I wish you farewell, I wish you luck
And I let go today, oh dear old friend.

Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?

A little girl eager to please
Making good grades with ease

A sullen teenager working hard
Eating aways at loads of lard

A young heart with a sweet crush
For the first time who feels the love rush

An angry young woman who sees her dad
Abuse his health, her mother and make her sad

A girl who loves her little furry pet
Who hears her out and understands things that no one else can get

A teenager on the brink of losing her mind
Leaves the country for peace and love to find

A woman who sits and retrospects
Staring at life from a ship forever anchored and decked

Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who am I, from these all?

And the wise mirror with great compassion replies
Just like life, to it's disciples' wails and cries

You are but a mix of the shadows you cast
Each one a teacher, not forever to last

Turn Into love and look out for light
As each shadow merges into you, making you bright

You are a being of this unmasked glory
Write a new song, start a new story!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

If only

If only I could love me
Then maybe you would too

If only I could didnt care that my hair is frizzy
You'd stop criticising me for ignoring it and being too busy

If only I didn't feel bad that my bags were not Chanel or Gucci
You'd stop telling me that I always look old and frumpy

If only I loved me, thin, fat, short and tall
You'd stop staring at every other girl in the hall

If only I paid attention to my own thoughts and emotions
You wouldn't change the topic when I spoke from my heart

If only I ignored the what, and completely loved the who
Then maybe you'd love me, just for me, too

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Into the (Spot)Light

Sharing my talents make me shy
For before I show off
I wonder why
Someone would look beyond what the eyes can see
Deep inside - inside of me.

With layers of emotions stored under my skin
Each of those pains, so hard to pin
When I prayed for help, god sent you all
In every shape and size, to hold me when I fall
To help pick up the pieces, help me move forward.

Not a day goes by when I don't thank Him
Let the show begin, let the lights dim!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Addicted To No Love

Pain pain everywhere
Not a thought to think
Then comes along anger
Keeping my temper on the brink
Frustration makes me disconnect
From all the other feelings
Trapped with the only two I know
A couple of simple dealings
Lash out when you refuse to feel
What really lies under
And stay numbed when things go all wrong
It's easier just not to wonder

Cover it all up with cake and cream
Feel the sugar high
Push it all down with a bag of chips
While watching tv shows go by
As the night passes into the day
Lie there numbed and stoned
Who knew salt and sugar would do the trick
It isn't sex, drugs or alcohol
Can't really be called an addiction
It's only food, after all

Till you move off the bed and couch
Till you decide to no longer slouch
The pain won't leave, the anger will stay
But a greater power will keep them at bay
It's the power to feel what you really feel
It's the power to stay calm while you still reel
It's the power to own what can't be bought
It's the power to love you,  no matter what

Saturday, April 26, 2014

To those, who in the past, predicted the future

An ode to the all the helpers
That met me along my journey
Read my horoscopes, analysed my charts
Ended all hope, before it could start.

Told me that I would eventually survive
But never be able to really thrive
Never find love or happiness in life
Be someone's mother or someone's wife.

Took all my greatest fears, turned them into ammunition
Set my dreams and desires up for a final cremation
Broken pieces of my heart they danced upon
I didn't even know this was life's greatest con

From runes to tarot to the crystal ball,
In search of that store in the back of the mall
Where hope was sold and the future could be bought
In a mangled mess of soothsayers I was caught.

Till the day He showed Himself, And it took one instant
To know He was watching and vigilant, caring and constant
Didn't need no prophecy of man  to show me my direction
I was always surrounded by divine love and protection

Now wiser and stronger, I know you played your part
Creating darkness and despair that you were able to jump start
As soon as He came, my fears took flight
Thank you for driving me toward the Light.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Choices: Black, White & Grey. Is there really a Grey choice?

Many years ago, in DDLJ, Raj Malhotra tells a hassled Simran that his mother used to say, "Beta, zindagi ke har mod pe tumhe do raste milenge ek galat aur ek sahi. Galat rasta asaan hoga, tumhe apni taraf kheenchega. Aur jo sahi rasta hoga, ho sakta hai usmein tumhe kadi mushkilon ka samna karna pade, bahut taklif mile; par yaad rakhna akhir mein jeet tumhari hi hogi."

So true. Life throws us daily curveballs. Which way we choose to dodge them, catch them or throw them back is a choice we make. Life is full of choices and not making a choice is also a choice. 

I've spent a lot of time discussing other peoples lives and circumstances and while each situation, person, journey is unique the choices are often the same - between right and wrong, between good or bad, between black or white. Add some justifications, circumstantial situations, ifs and buts to the mix and suddenly there's a rainbow of greys. But are these really greys or are they just blacks disguised by our own misgivings which we refuse to see with our own eyes? 

Often burdened with fear or anger, driven by guilt or revenge, we choose to choose that which isn't best for ourselves but what we believe someone else deserves. And then we justify it - so having an affair because your husband does'nt love you is ok; hating and abusing your boss because she is mean to you is justifiable; eating a kilo of chips fills up a vacuum because you are depressed is acceptable; even staying married to a man who is with someone else for ensuring his torture is deemed as reasonable! 

Your inner compass can tell you whether what you're doing is good or bad. Your body will send you messages to let you know whether something your doing feels good or bad. Your conscience knows the difference between right and wrong. With the greys, the case is almost similar - you just know. And life somehow sends you the same situation, in many different forms, until you lift the veil off your eyes and pick what's true for you.

The lesson is simple. There ain't any greys. There's a black and a white. And then there's your choice. No one said it was going to be easy. You just know it'll always be worth it. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lost and found

Can you be found if you weren't lost in the first place? Can you find light if you weren't lost in the dark? 

Will you seek answers if you didn't have unanswered questions? Would you continue to have questions if life didn't push you toward asking them?

Would you feel compelled to ask if life didn't throw situations at you that everything you already knew couldn't answer? Would you strive to understand life if what everything you thought you understood didn't make sense anymore? 

Would you seek sense if you weren't plagued by situations you didn't understand? Would you want to understand if you weren't plauged by situations that you didn't? 

Answers to all of these questions answer one simple basic fact of life. That we seek answers to lifes greater questions only when we have to face it's adversity. And that life's greatest lesson is taught only through it's greater hardships. 

If you're lost and looking, be assured that your answers will follow. And that you will be found. After the darkest night of the soul, comes the most beautiful sunrise. 

That's life. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Forgiveness 103

Today's post will focus on only me. The center of my universe. The vortex of my existence. The only thing that I can control. Me. 

And why is it so important for me to forgive me. 

We are human. We all make mistakes. That's kind of the point of life. To live and to learn. And the only way to learn and grow is by experiencing life, making mistakes, and learning from them. 

People forgive us for hurting them. And we extend the same kindness to others. Often the hardest part in the process of forgiveness, is the forgiveness of oneself. 

 We often judge ourselves with and by much harsher criteria than we judge others. We hold ourselves responsible for all our lives' situations, more so for the not so happy and favourable ones. We expect more of ourselves, and inadvertently we only let ourselves down. 

Except that we don't. Mistakes are the causal effect of the souls journey through life. And in making them, experiencing the pain and trauma and repercussion, we grow, learn, pay back Karma owed. Of course if you made the same mistake twice, it's a choice and not a mistake, but that cycle is also for a greater learning. 

When you evaluate life through a pattern of lessons learnt, as opposed to mistakes made, it's so much easier to forgive oneself and thank life for the growth through the experience. 

Forgiveness of oneself is the ultimate expression of self love. When you forgive yourself you truly accept yourself, love yourself, respect yourself and believe that you are worthy of love and respect. That's why it's so hard.

From the very beginning love has been conditional - based on achievements, appearances, and complete, 'if your ableto do just that one more thing.' With no space for error. The confusion between conditional affection and love makes it so much harder to love ourselves inspite of the lack of a reason. The lack of love makes self love, and therefore self forgiveness that much harder. 

Accept who you are. Accept your choices. Accept your mistakes and your learning. And forgive yourself... It's the only way to truly love yourself. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Forgiveness 102

We've all met people who believe that they have been wronged and they are so hurt and damaged by the experience, that they refuse to forgive the other person. This post is dedicated to everyone who is holding on to a grudge or resentment toward another person.

The first step toward being able to forgive someone is recognising that you actively need to do so! And no matter what the situation is if you don't believe that you should, it's unlikely you'll find it in your heart to do so. You may not believe you can just yet, all you need to do is simply believe you want to and need to. 

Top 3 Reasons why it is so important for your to choose Forgiveness:

1. Forgiveness is not about other people. It's about you. Whether or not the other person deserves to be forgiven, you deserve to be free from resentment and hate. Holding on to anger and hate is like 'drinking poison and expecting the other person to die' - and you really don't have the space for that in your already stressed out existence. 
Choose life. 

2. Another extremely selfish reason to forgive derives from the Law of Karma. 
None of us are made perfect and we all make mistakes. Life teaches us to learn and grow from our mistakes. But our mistakes, more often than not, affect other people, hurt the people we love, or cause pain to someone. 
If you believe you deserve to be forgiven, then surely you need to forgive. That's the Law of Karma. You reap what you sow. 

3. Forgiveness is the start of your own healing process. The act of forgiveness generates so much goodwill that you begin to heal yourself - as the layers of negative emotions and thoughts that have been stored are released, the mind and body both are filled with kind and loving energy that allows you to heal and grow - physically, mentally, emotionally. 

Take a moment to think of all those people you hold something against - recognise the divinity (whether you believe it to exist or not) within them, and forgive them, whole heartedly. You don't have to best best friends again, or be married to each other again, or even speak to each other ever again. Just forgive them and bless them a life of peace and happiness. 

Set them free. Set yourself free. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Managing Irritation

There is something about a Monday morning that not only gives you the blues, but God help if your the beneficiary of a stream of general irritants and delays that would seem a lot more benevolent on normal days - they get amplified and the angst gets glorified. I'm a very irritable person, with a short temper (which is now changing!), especially when there are so many factors, people, and situations, that I have absolutely no control over, but continue to somehow affect most of my waking moments. 

First there's traffic. The bane of the commute. Waiting endlessly at stop lights, incessant honking that quickly drives away all the peace collected over the weekend and then the added joy of missing a turn while you were on your mobile phone reading emails to catch up on time before you get to work. Hold that thought.

Then there's time. You do everything possible to get to bed early on Sunday so that you have time to plan and start your Monday a little bit early. But life so does not go as per plan! You sleep in, you cant wake up, you skip breakfast, your burn your shirt, you miss your bus or train, you skip breakfast - all in the frenzy to get to work on time, to start your day and week on time, so that the delays dont flow into your life right at the start and stay there the entire week. Then you miss your turn cause you were busy checking email to optimize your traffic time. 

Then there's people. You've spent the entire weekend with family and friends (hope fully those that you do like and enjoy spending happy times with.) Come Monday morning there is the people on the train and bus whose aggressive demeanor shakes you out of of your peace zone; there is so much traffic and so many people lined and moving at snails pace along never ending highways; there are bosses and colleagues and teams all waiting for your time and attention over a day of endless meetings. The day never ends and it's barely the start of the week. 

I took some time today  - while I was at work after missing a turn cause I was busy on my phone, and while I was at my desk waiting for my laptop which had to be delivered to me at 10 am sharp but hadn't shown up till almost noon - to just sit and stare at the people around me. All of them in a frenzy, and all of them needing to get their important tasks done. I chose not to react - with either anger or annoyance at the delay en route, the people causing the delay at the point where I needed to get going at work... It was almost as if I was watching the world go by. I just sat, worked with a pen and paper, and stared. 

Then came the miracle. The sanctum of peace developed over the weekend that was destroyed by the traffic, beggars, missed turns and every other possible annoyance, quietly creeped back up and stayed with me for a bit. And as time went by,  and the longer I sat and watched, and I sat and waited, and tried not to get annoyed and upset, the closer it snuggled up to me. At 5:30 pm, while the day should be ending but is no where close to that in reality, i'm still surprisingly calm. And i'm taking my break by writing this post. 

Annoyance and irritability are companions you choose. The moment you decide not to react but to sit and stare and wait, they go away to find new friends. Peace functions exactly the same way. If you choose to hang onto it, it stays with you. 

You don't control what happens to you, but you do control how you react to it. You don't control what people say to you and you have to hear, but you do control what you listen to and what you say. You control completely whether you snap in irritation or whether you choose to laugh at a situation or person. 

That's the beauty of it all. It's actually completely in your control no matter how much you think you cant control anything! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Forgiveness 101

But I don't want to forgive or forget. I don't want to let go of the way I feel because he hurt me so much. My mother in law made my life miserable; she doesn't deserve my forgiveness. 

I hear this  a lot. And here's the only thing that matters - when you hold on to anger, hate, or resentment, the only person who actually knows and feels and lives this is you, the person who holds onto it. The person who caused you the pain is free, living out his or her own karma and going about his or her own business, possibly oblivious to the fact that you have these feelings within you. 

There's a lot said about being the bigger person and being the first to let go. I'm going to look at this from the point of view of 'I" - the most important person in this scenario, possibly a victim, but that soon becomes irrelevant and what remains is simply an unhappy 'I' - so we're simply going to back to 'I' and 'I' will take the time out to look inside of me and figure out a way to be free from any and all negative emotions.  

Here's a simple step by step methodology. Each step can take time but it's so worth it.

1. Acknowledge that you have the issues that your holding onto. Would help to actually believe that there is an issue inside before you go looking for it
2. Try and identify the person (s) and the  exact feeling that you have - and therefore narrow down the cause

3. Don't try and focus on the why me aspect, it's futile! Instead focus on the why me, what was I to learn from it? The moment you acknowledge your life lesson, you'll no longer feel the pain or the anger because you'll soon realise that this person (s) and situations (s) were brought into your life for this purpose

4. Forgive - truly, completely and hope and bless the person (s) involved with an abundance of prosperity and happiness and peace. Take a moment and bless yourself as well.

5. Stay happy and at peace with the outcome - you can continue to be friends or you can part ways. Sometimes people are meant to leave your life and that's ok too.  

Lastly, forgive yourself. While it sounds the simplest, it's probably the hardest to do. We will talk about this another time again! 

Forgiveness brings more peace that you can possibly imagine and creates space for happiness without any adulteration of thoughts and feelings. Imagine travelling through life without a suitcase, being able to go where you want, do what you want with nothing to slow and weigh you down. That would be one hell of a holiday!