To live each day to its fullest
To take life by it's horns
To sleep each night with a content heart
After a day of work has gone
With peace as if it were the very end
And knowing tomorrow it starts again...
When you think about living each day of your life to the very fullest, look out for a way to imbibe these five essential factors into your life.
1. Physical health
One can't ever stress enough on how important it is to be physically healthy, fit and strong. Not only to look good, to feel attractive, to love yourself, but this body was given to you with the purpose of staying with you through this lifetime. Catering to it's true nature and needs is one of the core responsibilities and the least we owe ourselves. None of the other parts of your life - people, work, money - will matter of you don't love, nourish and care for your physical self.
2. Mental and emotional health
Can't stress on this enough! With more than enough proof that physical health depends on the state of emotions, taking care of this aspect of our personalities becomes a priority. Not just the new age management of stress, but a constant dose of care for the emotional well being - with lots of self love, loving and harmonious relationships, the presence of peace and joy in all aspects of life. You can't avoid conflict, but you can spend this lifetime learning to deal with conflict with the greatest possible wisdom.
Your mental well being and stimulation keeps you young and alive. Explore, question and retain that child like curiosity you were born with. Make clear decisions and stick with them. Play, engage, create. Balance the two sides of your brain - create and hone your intuition, while keeping logic and reasoning alive.
Without a single minded purpose, you can spend your life walking aimlessly through a fog. This doesn't mean that you will know what you were meant to do the day you were born. A sense of purpose gives you the will to live, and something to wake up for every morning.
This doesn't mean that if you don't know your purpose, your life is wasted! It simply means that at this point finding the purpose of your life is your everyday purpose.
You were not created to wake up, sleep and die. You were created to be awesome. You were created to make a difference. Look out for what this purpose is. And follow it through. Learn what life has to teach you while you go about living each day true to your purpose.
4. Faith
This is the hardest one to explain. But whether you choose for it to be in God, Source, Light or the Universe, you know that there is a bigger plan at play. Trust implicitly in this plan. Surrender all the requirements of your ego, the need for the outcome of your life to be a certain way. Have faith not only in this source of universal love, but also in yourself, knowing that you live every day of your life fully to the best possible way you know and that you are being taken care of. Even on your bad days. Especially on your bad days.
5. Love
It seems to make sense that if you followed through with the first four points, love would naturally be part of your life. But this is not the kind of love that you feel for yourself and that makes you care and nourish your body and mind. It's not the love that you feel for friends and family, or for your pets.
This is the love we come here to learn, that makes us disintegrate all our differences and know that at the beginning and the end of it all we are but one. It's filled with compassion. It's layered with wisdom. It's the love that stays forever, unaffected and unmoved by life itself. Learn to imbibe this love into everything you do and share it with everyone you meet. It's your way to spread light.
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