Monday, May 24, 2021

Pyre of Dreams

 Why can’t I let it go? Why are you at war with me about this? 

Because you need to hold on to your dream and because you deserve them in every way 

But they’re never going to happen - and there’s only pain

They will - the moment u stop believing that 

🔥 🔥 🔥

Burn away little one
Become into ash
Be buried deep into the heart of the earth 
So she can collect your wounds and let them return to nothing 
Burn away those dreams
The chains of regret that hold you back 
Set yourself free, to create new beginnings 
Burn away those sorrows
Of things not done, experiences not had, loves not fulfillled 
They occupy space within me -
I need more to create 
A life that’s meant for you 
For you to shine your beauty
For you to experience not the love of your dreams 
But the love of your life
Of a life lived with soul 
Of honesty and authenticity 
Of your voice, my voice 
Singing to the beats of the cosmos
For yours is no ordinary journey
And no ordinary dream 
Let the waters clear the debris 
To make way for my flow 
As your embark on a new journey 
Into the river of life


Its easy, isn’t it
to point a finger
to give blame
to appropriate shame
SHE must have done something to deserve it
and no, its not just rape or eve teasing
not the gravest deeds of them all
but the generation after generation of tradition
of the pain and blame game
that gets seeded and set forth into motion 
when the next wave reaches its shore

she forgets her desire to leave her in laws home
when she felt suffocated and crushed
by the force of the matriarch ruling the kitchen
and the law of the patriarchal code
she forgets her desire to have her own home
to decorate it as she would embellish herself
to adorn it to reflect her beauty

she forgets her shame when she was stared at
or forced to cover up, or whistled at, or followed in the early evening as she came back home from work
when she shames the girls that get eve teased on new years 
and proclaims the need to “lock them up and get them married quickly”

she forgets that she too was young, had dreams that were crushed,
had desires and ambition
when she forces the other women to give up their own 
only to become cows and mules to slave
waiting on with hands, legs, body and baited breath
for the appreciation of the men they serve

she forgets the first time when the her heart snapped and broke 
from the shock of the strike on her face
and mocks the rising from ek thappad
dismissing it as small occurrence in the big picture

she forgets she too was a woman
before she became a mother, a grandmother, a mother in law, a judge
she was the “aaj kal ki ladki” with red nail polish and a free spirit
before she became the keeper of the keys
that bind us with chains of dark history
only to be perpetuated until we come together
and save us all -  women - them, us, and those that are yet to come..


This, That

This goes with that

This is how it’s done 

This is where you put it 

This is how you sit little lady

This is how you sip

Cross your knees, at least your ankles 

Don’t wear your skirt up so high 

Comb that hair dear one 

Make sure your chores are done 

And clean up, look pretty 

Don’t try and be so witty

You’re looking like a gruffly boy 

Stop playing with your brothers toy

Say it softly, gently must you speak 

Mind that temper, it shows you’re weak 

Control your mouth, no filth must come out 

Agree, pleasantly and dare not shout


You make me want to scream

I’m as much a ragga muffin 

As a fairy queen 

Why can’t I wear pink with the yellow and blue,  

Why can’t I climb trees like the boys do?

Leave my hand, let me run freely 

The fields beckon, the trees whisper 

Come and sit with us a while

Stretch your legs and rest your back 

Let the grass tickle your skin 

Breathe in this cold dry wind

Mother, mother - Come with me 

This is where life is meant to be

We’ll bite into apples straight from the tree

And drink the spring waters and splash our faces clean 

Sing songs so loud, our voices are heard 

Travelling along with the sounds of the bird 

Stare into the deep blue skies 

Smell flowers, watch the butterflies 

Come mother come, come with me

It’s time for you to hold my hand

To help me grow into being me

And it’s time for you, to set yourself free

Rainy Days

Be practical, I was told 
A long life lies ahead that 
That needs money, security, a solid foundation 
No time to dance, no time to play
All of this won’t give you anything for the rainy day 

Sigh, oh sigh - these rainy days
When all I want to do is dance and play 
Splash the water with my feet 
And wet my chappals and splutter 
The muddy muck  from the urban river 
Onto your clean dry white canvas 

Does growing up mean I have to watch 
Little children from my window 
While I drink tea and eat the bhajiya 
And they live and jump, completely free
As the raindrops wet their little faces 
And light their hearts with such glee 
Oh what is this so called practicality 
When I was born to live completely free

Free from the bondages of what Ive been told 
Of the mirrors of the past and the dreams of a future
So secure that I can’t break past
The tight  ropes that tie me to this cast 
This mould of who I’m supposed to be
Oh when, when, can I just be me 

This rain, when it comes down in its glory 
Brightening up my sunniest days 
With pregnant clouds, thunder and deep, dark skies 
Giving life to every sentient being 
I leave my comfort - I come to dance with thee
Set me free, set me free