Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Forgiveness 102

We've all met people who believe that they have been wronged and they are so hurt and damaged by the experience, that they refuse to forgive the other person. This post is dedicated to everyone who is holding on to a grudge or resentment toward another person.

The first step toward being able to forgive someone is recognising that you actively need to do so! And no matter what the situation is if you don't believe that you should, it's unlikely you'll find it in your heart to do so. You may not believe you can just yet, all you need to do is simply believe you want to and need to. 

Top 3 Reasons why it is so important for your to choose Forgiveness:

1. Forgiveness is not about other people. It's about you. Whether or not the other person deserves to be forgiven, you deserve to be free from resentment and hate. Holding on to anger and hate is like 'drinking poison and expecting the other person to die' - and you really don't have the space for that in your already stressed out existence. 
Choose life. 

2. Another extremely selfish reason to forgive derives from the Law of Karma. 
None of us are made perfect and we all make mistakes. Life teaches us to learn and grow from our mistakes. But our mistakes, more often than not, affect other people, hurt the people we love, or cause pain to someone. 
If you believe you deserve to be forgiven, then surely you need to forgive. That's the Law of Karma. You reap what you sow. 

3. Forgiveness is the start of your own healing process. The act of forgiveness generates so much goodwill that you begin to heal yourself - as the layers of negative emotions and thoughts that have been stored are released, the mind and body both are filled with kind and loving energy that allows you to heal and grow - physically, mentally, emotionally. 

Take a moment to think of all those people you hold something against - recognise the divinity (whether you believe it to exist or not) within them, and forgive them, whole heartedly. You don't have to best best friends again, or be married to each other again, or even speak to each other ever again. Just forgive them and bless them a life of peace and happiness. 

Set them free. Set yourself free. 

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