Big words that aren't so simple to follow
Especially when the insides feel hollow
Surrender they say, u must do
Ok, I said, but to who?
I don't know yet of a god looking out for me
Clearly my life isn't an example of grace, u see
I'm stuck in a rut
I'm fearful in my gut
How do I survive if I have to let go
It would only but cause my anxiety to grow
Forgive, they say, for your heart is blocked
It's the only way to unfold love that's locked
But my life is mess
Only filled with stress
I'm angry at them all
I'm trying to build a wall
So I can't be wronged no more
By family and friends galore
They're seemingly all doing fine
I'm stuck with doing all the cryin'
Gratitude, they say, is an absolute must
Without it, a part of you will rust
But what can I be thankful for
I've only seen pain and been hurt before
My life has been such a no ball
Everyone else I know has it all
When I compare all I see
How it should have turned out for me
How it hasn't and that makes me resent
No thanks do I have left to present
When you ask you will receive
Big words maybe, rather simple to conceive
You don't control, so why try
Let gods hand allow your wings to fly
Limitless possibilities exist beyond your knowing
By holding on, it's only yourself you're slowing
When you surrender, trust and flow
Allow your free will to just let go
An amazing life begins to unfold
You wanted the rainbow, you get a pot of gold!
But if your heart is filled with resentment and hate
How will happiness and joy pile up on your plate
Release shame and guilt and all the blame
They're choices you made, accept the claim
Forgiveness clears the karmic path of debris
Forgive completely to set yourself free!
Thank everyone that came along your way
For lessons you learnt that make you, you today
For joy and laughter, pain and sorrow
More gratitude today brings more grace tomorrow
Thank each experience that you went through
It helped to create a new version of you
Thank god for love from family and friends
With each heart, a prayer he sends
Not so hard do the words seem anymore
Accept, understand, thank and let go!
Love it