Monday, March 13, 2023


There’s a fire within 
Which is raging 
Like a wild horse 
That can’t be held back anymore 
Testing limits
Pushing boundaries 
Willing to break free from bondage 
And galloping into the ocean 
Sending ripples in all directions 

She sits and wonders 
As she stares out of the window 
Sipping her afternoon tea 
What does this stirring mean? 
It can’t be held back, it can’t be contained 
Can she go and explore her wildness 
Her body, her mind, her soul? 

The flames hiss and rise
Touching the sky
The unmet potential 
Waiting to be unleashed 
The sleeping snake can’t wait to uncoil 
And make its way up 
To fulfil its destiny 

She can’t wait no more 
For them to understand 
For permission to be granted  
To seek happiness, to find herself  
Where she is not defined by the roles she plays 
Glorified as the mother and the martyr 
Will she set herself free? 

The doorbell rings, 
The tea has gotten cold 
And the kids are back home from school 
She ties her hair into a neat bun 
Meals to figure, homework to be done 
The fire turns the dream to ashes 
Which she sweeps under the carpet 
Someday, she says, 
She promises herself…