Thursday, November 12, 2015

Life of Light

It's Diwali 
It's my turn 
To live my purpose 
To be lit 
To light 
And then fade away into the darkness 
I am but a diya

As the sun rises 
I become more and more insignificant 
Lost in the brightness 
Of life and it's bounty 
A mere speck

As time turns a soft corner 
And the night falls upon us
When the mighty Light leaves us to find our own path 
And souls come searching 
Unable to discern the shadows
Snake like ropes that lay traps 
Knocking them down 
Making them fall
Into the deception of their own minds 

I rejoice my birth into these dark times 
For now I can be seen from afar 
By many a traveller along his journey 
Bringing hope, light and warmth 
Unveiling what lurks behind the shadows
Dispelling all lies 

To be just a diya 
And the bringer of light 
Into this age of drudgery 
I smile at my might 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Sign

Give me a sign
Show me something 
While I despair 
Not knowing how to make sense of things 
How to move forward 
Where I'm heading 
If anywhere at all
Where I'm meant to be
If somewhere, after all

Let me know that you're watching 
Give me just a clue
Make a sound that I can hear
Even though I may not always listen 
A way to break away from this roundabout
Into a possible direction 
Head closer to you 
Flow into your bounty 
Through the never ending sands 
That I walk in now 
No map, no route - 

Make the sun rise 
Shine into my eyes this morning 
So I can find East
Point out West from where it sets
Arms stretched I make head into North 
I see the star 
Walking before me
The moon by my side 
I still don't notice that these are the signs 

Rays of hope come into my life 
Every morning 
I only see the alarm clock tick by
Snooze for just ten more minutes... 
As I lay at night I draw my blinds 
Oblivious to the ever present bright North light 
I just don't have a clue 
Because I wasn't able to find - 
You - 
In everything from morn to night