Monday, May 24, 2021

Pyre of Dreams

 Why can’t I let it go? Why are you at war with me about this? 

Because you need to hold on to your dream and because you deserve them in every way 

But they’re never going to happen - and there’s only pain

They will - the moment u stop believing that 

🔥 🔥 🔥

Burn away little one
Become into ash
Be buried deep into the heart of the earth 
So she can collect your wounds and let them return to nothing 
Burn away those dreams
The chains of regret that hold you back 
Set yourself free, to create new beginnings 
Burn away those sorrows
Of things not done, experiences not had, loves not fulfillled 
They occupy space within me -
I need more to create 
A life that’s meant for you 
For you to shine your beauty
For you to experience not the love of your dreams 
But the love of your life
Of a life lived with soul 
Of honesty and authenticity 
Of your voice, my voice 
Singing to the beats of the cosmos
For yours is no ordinary journey
And no ordinary dream 
Let the waters clear the debris 
To make way for my flow 
As your embark on a new journey 
Into the river of life

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