Sunday, December 8, 2013

There Are No Coincidences in Life

This post is going to be extremely short and sweet.

This weekend my lesson was very simple. There is no coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. 

And there is always a lesson in the reason. 

Ask why? If you thought of a friend, and that friend contacted you, ask why? What did this person say to you? What was the message? 

Look out for answers in patterns. If you continuously see a pattern - numbers or words, or names or places show up unprecedently, maybe there is a reason for you to figure out what they mean and what they're pointing you toward. 

We can continue to live our lives without acknowledging the existence of subtle messages sent to us by the universe ( for lack of a better word) or we can choose to try and look into these signs for answers, for clarity, and direction. 

I read somewhere that if you had a question and you put it out into the universe - to God, to a religious figure, a saint, an angel, an archangel - the answer or the sign can come to you in a magazine, a book, a movie dialogue. The key is to keep our eyes and ears open. And to always always ask - what is the lesson in this for me? What is this saying to me? 

And you shall be told. 

Rather strange that this comes up now. My first story about signs was the story of a little girl who wanted God to make it snow on Christmas. As the year ends, it's the time for rebirth and new beginnings. Look out for what is coming your way...

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