Monday, December 2, 2013

Give up or Give in?

There comes a time when your just plain tired. Not just the physical body, but your mental, emotional and maybe your astral body as well.

While I was sharing and lamenting about how tired I was, and how I was ready to give up, not fight life anymore, a friend asked me, give up or give in?

So started this chain of thought... 

Giving up means admiting defeat - toward yourself, your own happiness and what you believe is worth fighting for. Giving in means surrending completely - while you continue to follow your path. 

The biggest change and the biggest challenge when you give in is a detachment from the result. Knowing that whatever or whoever ( the supreme being, the universe, god?)  is taking care of your business and that life will unfold as it should. 

It means becoming emotionally detached from the persons involved. Giving up on expectation from them, while still not giving up on them.  

It means resolving to consciously not react with pure emotion under any circumstance. Allowing yourself to process any situation objectively changes the way to choose to react to it. Logic typically triumphs over emotion - conscious action prevails over anger, frustration, or a breakdown. 

Lastly it means not giving up. Staying hopeful, knowing in your heart that a higher power is always looking after you. What will be, will be, and will be for the best. It means to continue to have faith and to trust with full faith. 

Giving in means not to give up. Giving in means to open up your life to the opportunity of an unexpected life! 

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