Saturday, December 18, 2021


The oceans swell
The winds blow 
Fierce, soft, stormy 
All at the same time 
And I swoosh and sway
Unable to stay

Sometimes to the right 
Sometimes I’m more leftist 
Always, on one side or the other 
Two sides of the same coin 
Alluding of the duality
That makes this reality 
That makes me react 
To this and to that 
And I struggle to be

I get sucked in 
I get pulled in 
I loose track of the awareness 
That I am not this stir within 
Or without 
The fire  burns in my heart 
Both hot and cold
Disrupting and erupting 
Unable to hold still and remain 

This strife 
This struggle 
This holding on and letting go 
Cycle after cycle 
Keeping me away from Me
Muddled in obscurity 
Till the lens of the veil lifts 
And there’s nothing after all 
No action, no reaction 
Just a flow of endless being 
And I become who I always am

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