Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Story

let me tell you a story
a story of what can be
a story of love and joy 
where pictures you can see 
of whatever you think, you feel
of people and of places
that the mind means to visit 
that the heart wants to see 

add in the many characters 
who play their various roles
and one master puppeteer
who oversees the whole
they sing, they dance, they laugh, they cry
they love and loose, and find themselves again
while He waits within your heart
for the next beat, for the next cut

you see, you're the hero
and the villain too
the producer and the director
the movie maker too
you choose your cast, and the lines
you choose to love, you choose to whine
you unfold your own story, you write it too
I'm only the mirror, to show you, it's all you! 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Journey

When I left home yesterday 
I was incomplete 
Not because I had left something behind 
But I knew that something was just missing 

I just hadn't uncovered yet 
Parts of me that existed 
Didn't know who I really was 
Or how to even define 
What really went on inside of me 
What was going on in my mind 

Then I went down this journey 
Looking deep inside 
Down some steps, through some doors 
Till I reached a point 
Where was a storm dark and deep 
Raging turmoil and turbulence too
And as it rose to play the crescendo 
A stillness suddenly came through 
Into it I stepped with some apprehension
Letting go of my own hand
I plunged into the darkness - I felt myself fall 

Only to be saved by love and joy 
Held safe by Truth and bliss 
I let go of all I knew before 
Feeling my whole being expand 
Into the vastness of the universe 
And then came the Big Bang 

From the center of this boundless being 
As if a new day dawned 
Made out of hope, shaped by grace 
A new me was born 
Dancing to the tune of my own music 
My heart jumped a beat 
As I skipped down the road back home 
I knew I was whole, my journey complete!