Thursday, November 14, 2013

Guilt: Wrapped or Warped?

One of the most effective ways to touch upon an emotional chord and make someone do something they don't really want to, but for some reason feel they should, is the universal anti - good feeling of guilt. In my mind, in the same way people say fear is the opposite of love, guilt is the opposite of happiness. 

You'll often have people tell you to not allow other people to make you feel bad about something. Guilt is an emotional manipulation tool, imbibed into the core of people. 

Then there is that voice, where one part of your mind silently tells the other that your being a little too happy. That your being a little too self indulgent and a bad mom if you want a day away from your two year old. The voice that says that you should not buy the new iphone cause your old phone is just fine, especially since no one else in your family is getting a new one. The voice that says that you are so tired that you could fall, but you can't tell your mother in law that you'd just rather order dinner than cook it, and worse, eat it quietly watching tv in your room after a long day at work. 

At work, it's the voice that says that your boss should not be sharing your burden of work. Or the one that says that your neglecting work if you decide to be selfish and go to the gym past 8 pm, to leave things to be done the next day. 

These are simply just not acceptable things to say or do. 

Says who? 

That nagging voice in your head is you! 
No matter what people say, the feeling of being guilty only becomes real when it is powered by your own lack of self belief. 

If you truly believe in your own happiness, and the pleasures, attitudes, choices you seek that make you happy may also make you a little selfish, it ought to be ok. The next time that warped voice in your head questions your own happiness and well being, unless it's about a piece of cake, go ahead and shut it up. If you wrap yourself in guilt, you'll only realise another day that your only guilty for the joy you denied yourself. 

No one else will even know the difference. 

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