Someone put this up today. And stirred a fire in my belly. I reacted with words that offered no console, and no proof. I undid all my reactions and then thought of the struggle that our personalities go through - a struggle of faith - and we then label this personality as atheist, agnostic, non-believer and worse of all, scientist.
Let's work with atheist. If you ask science or religion or anyone else for proof of the existence of a God then know that you can't be atheist. Your at best agnostic for lack of a better word. Unfortunately, and much to your despair, by the mere fact that you question and ask, you leave place for doubt. And that's shifts your belief completely, creating the space for a chance that you may find your answer.
Unfortunately, those that believe that science or religion will provide that answer will be left empty handed. Science can only work with what the physical senses can acknowledge and further to that, with machines that can capture the intricacies of what we cannot perceive with the outwardly senses. And that's why we know what protons and neutrons are, and how the amoeba and our DNA are structured.
Science cannot prove the existence of love. Yet, conditional or unconditional, we all feel love. If not for our partners, for our pets and children. Respect, separate from love. And each of these emotions are all real cause we feel them. Inside of ourselves. Within our souls, maybe? ;)
Religion on the other hand has banned science from the exploration of all things esoteric. The mystical ways of the world are matters of the church and not of science. Historically, we know that religion has been used by most clergy, whether the church or the Brahmin caste, to control masses, to create fear, and in that to create the greatest gap between people and their individual relationship with God. Leading people to believe that somehow only through realised beings such as the clergy themselves, can God speak and connect. Therefore should and can religion be trusted with the burden of proof?
An agnostic has hope. He awaits that somehow religion or science or whoever it might be will come up with an answer to this existential question: is there a God? And how can we prove that?
Before Newton discovered Gravity, there was gravity. It existed every day, and every moment. Yet only when he actually investigated it, and looked for the many ways that it influenced life, did he put a name and number to it. That's science.The forces of nature, the forces of life, all continue to exist and evolve whether science understands or accepts them. Science is an aftermath.
Let your journey to find God be the same. The burden of proof lies with you and not with science or religion. Whether you look for a form outside of yourself or find the Divinity within, or just look at the magic around you in each moment, with each breath you take, when you feel love, hope, or the lack of it, ask God to show you. When you leave the proof of burden on God, and wait for your very own miracle, it'll happen. Another great scientist said, "Coincidences are Gods way of remaining anonymous."